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Guidelines for Handling Subject Access Requests (SARs) under GDPR

Verification of Identity

Essential Checks: Verify the identity of the requester to avoid data breaches.

Known Customers: If the requester is a known customer, additional proof may not be required.

Third-Party Requests: Requesters acting on behalf of others must provide legal proof of entitlement.

Refusal Protocol

Reasons for Refusal: Only refuse requests if they are manifestly unfounded or excessive.

Consultation: Seek guidance from the Information Commissioner's Office before refusal.

Notification: If refusal occurs, inform the individual and provide avenues for appeal and complaint.

Information Provision

Data Disclosure: Provide all personal data held about the requester, including identifying information.

Comprehensive Details: Furnish information about your company, data processing purposes, retention periods, and lawful basis.

Delivery Methods

Ideal Approach: Utilize an online portal for secure and convenient access to data, recommended by the ICO.

Alternative Methods: If a portal is unavailable, provide data via email attachments or printed documents.

Format Preference: Honour format requests; respond in the requested format, be it printed or electronic.

Social Media Requests

Cautious Response: Responding via social media may risk data breaches; confirm identity and switch to email for secure communication.

Data of Third Parties

Consent Requirement: Obtain consent from third parties before disclosing their personal data.

Anonymization Option: Anonymize data if feasible; avoid disclosing identifiable information of third parties without consent.